


Young Faculty

• Avian
• Bärnthaler
• Biasin
• Birnhuber
• Brčić
• Crnković
• Douschan
• Foris
• Jandl
• Kovács
Lindenmann ⏩
• Nagaraj
• Vesely




PhD Program
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The RESPImmun Young Faculty


Division of Thoracic and Hyperbaric Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Graz,
Auenbruggerplatz 29/3, A-8036 Graz; phone: +43-316-385 80483, fax: +43-316-385 14679 ,  e-mail
websites: [RESPImmun] [MUG]
• Profile     • Curriculum vitae     • PhD students     • Grants     • Publications ⏬    

List of publications:

10 most significant publications:

  1. Lindenmann J, Fink-Neuboeck N, Taucher V, Pichler M, Posch F, Brcic L, Smolle E, Koter S, Smolle J, Smolle-Juettner FM: Prediction of Postoperative Clinical Outcomes in Resected Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Focusing on the Preoperative Glasgow Prognostic Score. Cancers (Basel), 2020; 12(1):152.
  2. Brcic L, Stanzer S, Krenbek D, Gruber-Moesenbacher U, Absenger G, Quehenberger F, Valipour A, Lindenmann J, Stoeger H, Al Effah M, Fediuk M, Balic M, Popper HH: Immune cell landscape in therapy-naïve squamous cell and adenocarcinomas of the lung. Virchows Arch, 2018; 472(4):​589–598.
  3. Rosen LE, Karrison T, Ananthanarayanan V, Gallan AJ, Adusumilli PS, Alchami FS, Attanoos R, Brcic L, Butnor KJ, Galateau-Sallé F, Hiroshima K, Kadota K, Klampatsa A, Stang NL, Lindenmann J, Litzky LA, Marchevsky A, Medeiros F, Montero MA, Moore DA, Nabeshima K, Pavlisko EN, Roggli VL, Sauter JL, Sharma A, Sheaff M, Travis WD, Vigneswaran WT, Vrugt B, Walts AE, Tjota MY, Krausz T, Husain AN: Nuclear grade and necrosis predict prognosis in malignant epithelioid pleural mesothelioma: a multi-institutional study. Mod Pathol, 2018; 31(4):​598–606.
  4. Chamberlain S, Bellnier D, Yendamuri S, Lindenmann J, Demmy T, Nwogu C, Ramer M, Tworek L, Oakley E, Mallory M, Carlsen L, Sexton S, Curtin L, Shafirstein G: An Optical Surface Applicator for Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy. Lasers Surg Med, 2020; 52(6):​523–529.
  5. Leithner K, Hirschmugl B, Li Y, Tang B, Papp R, Nagaraj C, Stacher E, Stiegler P, Lindenmann J, Olschewski A, Olschewski H, Hrzenjak A: TASK-1 Regulates Apoptosis and Proliferation in a Subset of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers. PLoS One, 2011; 11(6):​e0157453.
  6. Shafirstein G, Battoo A, Harris K, Baumann H, Gollnick SO, Lindenmann J, Nwogu CE: Photodynamic Therapy of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Narrative Review and Future Directions. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 2016; 13(2):​265–275.
  7. Leithner K, Hrzenjak A, Trötzmüller M, Moustafa T, Köfeler HC, Wohlkoenig C, Stacher E, Lindenmann J, Harris AL, Olschewski A, Olschewski H: PCK2 activation mediates an adaptive response to glucose depletion in lung cancer. Oncogene, 2015; 34(8):​1044–1050.
  8. Leithner K, Wohlkoenig C, Stacher E, Lindenmann J, Hofmann NA, Gallé B, Guelly C, Quehenberger F, Stiegler P, Smolle-Jüttner FM, Philipsen S, Popper HH, Hrzenjak A, Olschewski A, Olschewski H: Hypoxia increases membrane metallo-endopeptidase expression in a novel lung cancer ex vivo model – role of tumor stroma cells. BMC Cancer, 2014; 14:40.
  9. Lindenmann J, Fink-Neuboeck N, Koesslbacher M, Pichler M, Stojakovic T, Roller RE, Maier A, Anegg U, Smolle J, Smolle-Juettner FM: The influence of elevated levels of C-reactive protein and hypoalbuminemia on survival in patients with advanced inoperable esophageal cancer undergoing palliative treatment. J Surg Oncol, 2014; 110(6):​645–650.
  10. Reginato E, Lindenmann J, Langner C, Schweintzger N, Bambach I, Smolle-Jüttner F, Wolf P: Photodynamic therapy downregulates the function of regulatory T cells in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Photochem Photobiol Sci, 2014; 13(9):​1281–1289.